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710 AND 711 SERIES

Drum Heaters and Pail PRO™ 5-Gallon Pail Heaters
115V and 230V Drum Heaters
Heat the contents of steel, plastic or fiber drums
Moisture and chemical resistant
Heat a 55, 30 or 15-gallon drum
   (208, 114 or 57 liter drum)
Even heat a 5-gallon (19 liter) pail

Melt or preheat process ingredients
Control viscosity
Promote dissolution
Speed liquid flow
Reduce residue in drum
Speed chemical action
Protect against freezing
CE marked for sale in Europe
Drum heaters MUST be properly positioned
BELOW the content level in the drum. Drum
heater provides uniform heat over the 4”
(10.16 cm) wide band around drum.
Our flexible drum heaters provide a simple, effective and
reliable way to heat the contents of your drums. A drum
heater is available for almost any steel, plastic or fiber
drum...even heaters for metal and plastic 5-gallon pails.
Two or more heaters may be used on the same
drum for faster warming, but both MUST be
attached below drum content level.
Heaters for metal drums have an adjustable thermostat
for a control range of 50° to 425°F (10° to 218°C).
Heaters for plastic and fiber drums have a 50° to 160°F
(10° to 71°C) thermostat.
Heaters for Metal Drum or Pail have 50° to
425°F (10° to 218°C) thermostat:
• 55-Gallon (208 liter) drum: 1500 watt
• 30-Gallon (114 liter) drum: 1000 watt
• 15-Gallon (57 liter) drum: 700 watt
5-Gallon (19 liter) pail: 550 watt
Our band drum heaters are made of tough, long lasting,
fiberglass reinforced silicone rubber. They are easy to
keep clean because few chemicals will stick to silicone
To attach to your drum, simply wrap the drum heater
around and attach the spring and hook arrangement.
Because these heaters are pliable, they conform to
the wall of the drum.
Though quick to fasten, they assure thorough band
contact for effective heat transfer through the drum
wall to the material inside. They are more flexible
than metal band heaters, and therefore able to
conform to the drum's surface to transfer heat more
Heaters for Plastic drum or Pail, and for fiber
have 50° to 160° (10° to 71°C) thermostat:
• 55-Gallon (208 liter) drum: 300 watt
• 30-Gallon (114 liter) drum: 250 watt
• 15-Gallon (57 liter) drum: 200 watt
5-Gallon (19 liter) pail: 150 watt

Typical Applications
• Maintain liquid temperatures in
   water purification systems
• Keep resin at optimum temperature
Control viscosity of chemical binder
   in sand casting mold operation
Protect materials vulnerable
   to freeze damage
Corn syrup
Fuel oils
Liquid sugar/
Lubricating oils
Mineral oil
Vegetable oils
Excessive heat
may be harmful
to some

Easy to attach heater to drum
Simply wrap the heater around your drum and attach
the spring and hook arrangement. Always clamp the drum heater around drum prior to plugging in.
Estimate the time required to reach a set temperature
Step 1 - Subtract your drum's starting temperature from
the desired temperature. This difference is the necessary
"Temperature rise from ambient."
drum heaters
Step 2 - Find where the curve reaches the necessary RISE
value and read the corresponding number of HOURS on the
scale at bottom of the graph.
Example - You have 14 hours until the drum needs to be at
150° F (66° C). Its starting temperature is 30° F (-1° C).
So you need to a RISE of 120° F (67° C).
The chart shows a RISE of little more than 70° F (39° C) at
14 hours using one drum heater. Use two 1500 watt heaters
to increase the temperature by 120° F (67° C) in only 12
NOTE: Thermostat knob markings are "relative." Should
you require a higher degree of accuracy, measure the drum
temperature directly and adjust the thermostat accordingly.
Assure that the heater's setting will not exceed maximum
allowable temperature for the contents of your drum.
CAUTION: Drum contents may be hazardous. Some
materials may become more hazardous when heated. Refer to
the Material Safety Data Sheets for the material in your drums.
It is the user's responsibility to take appropriate safety and
protective measures.
Our drum heaters have an adjustable thermostat
with a range of 50° to 425° F (10° to 218° C).
Heaters for plastic and fiber drums have a 50° to
160° F (10° to 71° C) thermostat. You can set
the maximum temperature to automatically be
maintained at the temperature you require.
Our heaters are NOT for use with flammables, and NOT for
"explosion hazard"areas. Excessive heat may be harmful to
some materials.
INCREASE IN TEMPERATURE: The graph assumes that
ambient air temperature and drum initial temperature are the
same. Graph is based on heater performance with a drum of
water. Performance with other materials may differ.
Once attached to a drum and plugged in, the
heater will continuously warm the drum
temperature as high as the heater's thermostat
setting. Then the thermostat will turn the heat off
and on to maintain the temperature. The actual
time it takes to reach the setting is a function of
the necessary temperature rise and other factors
such as the nature of the material, its specific heat,
ambient air temperature, etc.

Order Online, by Phone, or by E-Mail

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Click the Model No. of the item you wish to purchase.

Model No.
Fits Diameter
For Steel Drums
15-Gallon Steel Heater, 115V, 700W
14" +/- 1"
3 lbs
15-Gallon Steel Heater, 230V, 700W
14" +/- 1"
3 lbs
55-Gallon Steel Heater, 115V, 1500W
22.5" +/- 1"
4 lbs
55-Gallon Steel Heater, 230V, 1500W
22.5" +/- 1"
4 lbs
30-Gallon Steel Heater, 115V, 1000W
18.25" +/- 1"
3 lbs
30-Gallon Steel Heater, 230V, 1000W
18.25" +/- 1"
3 lbs
For Plastic, Fiber & Steel Drums
55-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 115V, 300W
22.5" +/- 1"
3 lbs
55-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 230V, 300W
22.5" +/- 1"
3 lbs
15-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 115V, 200W
14" +/- 1"
3 lbs
30-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 115V, 250W
18.25" +/- 1"
3 lbs
30-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 230V, 250W
18.25" +/- 1"
3 lbs
For 5-Gallon Pails
5-Gallon Steel Heater, 115V, 550W
11.25" +/- 1"
2 lbs
5-Gallon Steel Heater, 230V, 550W
11.25" +/- 1"
2 lbs
5-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 115V, 150W
11.25" +/- 1"
2 lbs
5-Gallon Non-Metallic Heater, 230V, 150W
11.25" +/- 1"
2 lbs
Drum Heaters, Heat Drum contents easily & reliably, Heat 55 or 30-Gallon Drums, Heat 5-Gallon Pails, Flexible Drum
Heaters, Steel, Plastic, Fiber Drum, Adjustable Thermostat, Band Drum Heaters, and Drum Heater from your source for
material handling equipment.
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